I know that in the nature exists also a hierarchy, this year however this hierarchy was reversed! We know that almond tree she is the one that blooms first and follows other. This year they bloomed first apricot trees, perhaps the nature it wants to us it says something? Bees however thus and differently are glad that exist so much a lot of flowers, and carry without tiredness, this appear also in the photograph, the bee in the flower almond, spotlight in the light blue Sky Watch Friday. -
Γνωρίζω πως και στην φύση υπάρχει μια ιεραρχία, φέτος όμως αυτή η ιεραρχία ανετράπη!
Γνωρίζουμε πως η αμυγδαλιά είναι αυτή που ανθίζει πρώτη και ακολουθούν άλλες. Φέτος άνθισαν πρώτες οι βερικοκιές, ίσως η φύση θέλει να μας πει κάτι;
Η μέλισσες όμως έτσι και αλλιώς χαίρονται που υπάρχουν τόσο πολλά λουλούδια, και κουβαλάνε χωρίς κούραση, αυτό φαίνεται και στην φωτογραφία, η μέλισσα στο άνθος της αμυγδαλιάς, να προβάλλεται στον γαλάζιο Sky Watch Friday.
40 σχόλια:
Very beautiful. Amazing.
Wonderful image, beautiful details.
That is beautiful!
Excellent shot!
Thank you for the nice fable today!
That is a beautiful shot! Well done...
Lovely. And I also love your Sky Watch posts.
So crystal clear! Amazing shot!
Nature is telling us something, to be sure. I'm glad you were there to capture this bit of it! God bless.
Beauty in detail!
This is so amazing and beautiful in every way...wow.
Great photo of the bee and flower. In my garden, it is the Red Bud tree (cersis) that blooms first and the bees are visiting now.
That's a marvelous photo, Kostas.
Here the flowers and plants are blooming out of their normal order also. Do you think this is an effect of global warming?
That's a great closeup! Wonderful SWF!
That is a beautiful shot of the bee and the flower against the sky
Very beautiful
Hope you visit mine also :D Thanks
Wonderful image, well done...
Yes, I like... the flower and the bee...like man and woman at spring :-)
Have å nice weekend.
Excellent shot!
Hi Kostas,
That is really beautiful.
Really beautiful shot:)
I like almond but not the bees.
Later this spring I hope you can show photos of the Mangolia tree that blossom on a leaves naked twig, or it is already too late
that's nice.
A buzzingly beautiful capture.
Wow! that is great photography. Beautiful shot!
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Amazing picture. Very beautiful! :)
I love this design , very welldone
Greetings JoAnn
Watch my SKYWATCH friday...
Beautifully, and stunning.
Nice photo.
I can't wait until the bees start showing up around here! Beautiful picture!!
Most of us has understood already what nature has to tell us, but some doenst want to listen. Loved the blog!
What amazing clarity and detail .. truly a wonderful photo
extraordinary picture
Good one! It's not easy to catch a bee at work.
Nice picture. Coincidentally, I had almonds and honey in today's breakfast.
Nice photo:D
Beautiful shot!
Very beautiful capture
Beautiful busy bee...ok wasp!
I really like that blue against the bee. Are you noticing fewer bumble bees like we are in North America? http://meeyauw-pad.blogspot.com/2008/02/sky-watch-friday-fiske-school.html
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