The Resurrection of Christ is the source of not death of our soul! The Christ saved the from our earth nature and him made imperishable! Does not exist other source for the eternal life apart from the Resurrection! - Η Ανάσταση του Χριστού είναι η πηγή του μη θανάτου της ψυχής μας! Ο Χριστός έσωσε την απο χώμα φύση μας και την έκανε άφθαρτη! Δεν υπάρχει άλλη πηγή για την αιώνια ζωή εκτός από την Ανάσταση!
7 σχόλια:
I’m writing from Istanbul, Turkey. I’ve discovered your blog via Mrs. Nesbitt’s ABC Wednesday. I think your photos are meaningful and make the viewer think and dream. I especially liked “The dancer and paravan”. I’m a beginner in photography, trying to learn and develop myself. I’ll visit your blog with pleasure to take lessons :)
Best regards,
Very nice post.
When I read the above comment I went back and saw the dancer and paravan which I had missed when I was on vacation. Oh wow, I really love it!
What a beautiful photo Kostas - love how the light catches their faces - and the cross.
Kostas, a very appropriate fishing post for today. After all, Jesus (Christ) was a fisherman. Happy Easter!
Praise the Lord, because Jesus rose from the death we we live after we leave this earth.
Happy Easter
Wonderful snap,great thought!Happy Easter,friend!
Belated Easter greetings to you! Your English translations are beautiful also!
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