Preparations for the day of Resurrection of Orthodoxe Christians! Everything it should it is clean as the souls of immaculates persons. Each hausfrau prepares and cleans the house in and outside! Will come the children and the grandchilds from cities, will pass relatives, neighbours and friends for wishes will be supposed all they shine, each courtyard and a small paradise. The hedges will be cleaned and they will be dyed in white colour that is also the traditional exterior colour of houses of Greeks in the villages! -
Προετοιμασίες για την ημέρα της Ανάστασης των Ορθοδόξων χριστιανών! Τα πάντα πρέπει να είναι καθαρά όπως και οι ψυχές των αγνών ανθρώπων. Η κάθε νοικοκυρά ετοιμάζει και καθαρίζει το σπίτι μέσα και έξω! Θα έρθουν τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια από τις πόλεις, θα περάσουν συγγενείς, γείτονες και φίλοι για ευχές θα πρέπει όλα να λάμπουν, κάθε αυλή και ένας μικρός παράδεισος. Οι φράχτες θα καθαριστούν και θα βαφτούν σε λευκό χρώμα που είναι και το παραδοσιακό εξωτερικό χρώμα των σπιτιών των Ελλήνων στα χωριά!
9 σχόλια:
It sounds as if there will be a lot of work and preparation to be done for a wonderful celebration... thank you for sharing this information...
What a wonderful celebration - I've never heard of it. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Hope your family enjoys this special day.
Although I do not practice any religion, I agree that religious feasts are happy occasions for gathering families together. I wish you and your family a joyful celebration of the Day of Ressurection.
Friendly greetings,
Φίλε Κώστα με γυρίζεις χρόνια πίσω. Να είσαι καλά και καλή Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα
Thank you for sharing it with us; a very sweet and touching photo!
Sounds like an interesting special day for you.
is it the same as easter?
sounds like a lovely time for all the faily. Hope you had a good celebration
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